A estrada mais famosa da América está cheia de atrações inusitadas, oportunidades estranhas para fotos e armadilhas para turistas cafonas. Aqui estão mais 10 lugares para “se divertir na Rota 66”. Em nenhuma ordem particular:

Celeiro redondo
Arcádia, Oklahoma

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Em 1898, William Odor e sua família construíram uma maravilha arquitetônica. Para obter o formato redondo único do celeiro, a madeira verde foi embebida em água e moldada para se ajustar exatamente à curva do telhado. O nível inferior era utilizado para animais e o loft era palco de bailes e eventos sociais. Em 1988, o celeiro foi doado à sociedade histórica local, que o restaurou. Hoje é um centro de visitantes.

Pousada U-Drop
Trevo, Texas

Trevo U-Drop Inn-500

De longe, uma das estruturas mais reconhecidas do percurso. Na década de 1930, os proprietários do lote foram abordados por alguns investidores e ofereceram um edifício personalizado para lucrar com a enxurrada de viajantes que se aproximava. O dono do terreno pegou um pedaço de pau e desenhou na terra sua ideia para o prédio, e nasceu o U-Drop Inn! O U-Drop Inn funcionou como posto de gasolina e café e atualmente está sendo restaurado.

Passeio de cachorro aconchegante
Springfield, Illinois

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The birthplace of the corndog- the original hot dog on a stick. The Cozy Dog Drive In was founded by Ed Wildmire, father of eccentric artist Bob Wildmire, who is best known for his map murals depicting Route 66. According to their website, if you can’t make it to the Cozy Dog, for $20 they will ship you 5 pounds of Cozy Dog flour, instructions, and sticks to make delicious Cozy Dogs at home!

Big Texan Steak Ranch
Amarillo, Texas


The long-legged cowboy has beckoned travelers off Route 66 since 1960. If you can eat all 72 ounces of a top-sirloin steak, as well as a baked potato, salad, roll, and shrimp cocktail in one hour- it’s free! According to the Big Texan’s website, 60,000 people have attempted the feat and about 8,500 have succeeded. The youngest to do it was an 11 year old boy, and the oldest was a 69 year old grandmother!

Wigwam Villages
Holbrook Arizona and Rialto, San Bernardino California

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At one time, there were seven Wigwam Villages, but only three survive. For a while, the one in Rialto, San Bernardino was very run down and rented by the hour. They even had a sign that read “Do it in a Tepee”. After an extensive restoration, it is family-friendly once again. The other Wigwam Village is in Cave City, Kentucky. I have stayed there, and it was a blast from the past!

Meteor Crater
Meteor City, Arizona

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Just past Winslow, Arizona, you’ll find Meteor City- population: 2! It’s not really a city, its a souvenir stop next to a big meteor crater. The crater was formed approximately 50,000 years ago, resulting in the formation which is about 4,000 feet wide and 570 feet deep. The tourist stand is home to the world’s largest dream catcher, as well as the largest map of Route 66, drawn by the aforementioned Bob Wildmire.

El Rancho Hotel
Gallup, New Mexico

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In 1937, The El Rancho Hotel was built by the brother of movie executive, D.W. Griffith. Many movies were filmed in the area, and the El Rancho was a home away from home during shooting for stars including Marilyn Monroe, Ronald Reagan, Errol Flynn, and Kirk Douglas.

Jack Rabbit
Joseph City, Arizona


The most famous Stop-n-Go convenience store in the world! For many miles before you get close to Joseph City, the highway is dotted by iconic billboards with nothing more than the silhouette of a jackrabbit. In front of the store was another billboard with “HERE IT IS” written on it as well as a large fiberglass jackrabbit.

Lou Mitchell’s Restaurant
Chicago, Illinois


When I visited Chicago a few years ago, it was February and freezing cold. The line to get in to Lou’s stretched down the block. To make the wait bearable, the staff passed out donut holes and coffee to the customers. It was SO worth it! The omelets were huge and delicious, the service was friendly and at the end of the meal, the ladies get a box of Milk Duds. Sweet!

The Leaning Tower of Groom

Torre Britten3

Ralph Britten construiu esta torre de água inclinada para chamar a atenção dos turistas que paravam e faziam perguntas. Enquanto estavam lá, gastavam dinheiro na parada de caminhões e no restaurante próximo. Infelizmente, o restaurante pegou fogo há alguns anos, mas a torre continua sendo uma ótima oportunidade para fotos. Quanto ao motivo da torre dizer “Britten” em vez de “Groom”, os Brittens são uma grande família que mora na região há muito tempo.

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