10 resorts despretensiosos com um toque picante

Decidir o lugar certo para as suas férias pode ser difícil. Também pode causar algum atrito, pois alguns de nós, depois de um ano difícil, gostamos de relaxar nas férias, enquanto outros preferem desabafar ou procurar novas aventuras. Se você deseja relaxar e aproveitar o sol ou fazer algo mais ativo, esta lista descreverá resorts que atendem a ambos os tipos – com um pequeno toque adicional.

Os 10 resorts a seguir oferecem mais do que o típico serviço de quarto e filmes pay-per-view. Continue lendo para descobrir um lugar onde você pode querer planejar sua próxima escapadela – a menos que você já tenha experimentado esses locais picantes. Não vamos julgar, mas apenas não beije e conte…

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10 Puerto Morelos, México

Puerto Morelos é um lugar bastante bonito. Um bom local para passear e praticar seu espanhol. Um bom lugar para sentar na areia e colocar em dia todas as leituras que você pretende fazer. Ou não.

A poucos passos da cidade fica o Desire Riviera Maya Pearl Resort. Este opulento complexo atende casais que querem apimentar um pouco as coisas. Tem todas as comodidades de um resort de luxo, mas a ênfase está definitivamente no carnal. Trabalhando sob o lema “espalhar a sensualidade ao longo do ano”, o Desire oferece entretenimento, apropriadamente chamado de “festas na piscina”, e uma academia com exercícios aeróbicos. Esses exercícios cardiovasculares podem muito bem ser uma salvaguarda necessária.

Desire Riviera Maya Pearl é definitivamente um lugar para mimar-se.

9 Vera, Espanha

A cidade de Vera, em Almeria, fica a cerca de dez quilómetros para o interior, mas a propriedade desce até ao Mar Mediterrâneo. Vera Playa oferece as habituais atrações costeiras espanholas – há muitos bares e restaurantes ao longo da esplêndida praia. A zona norte da praia está aberta aos naturistas.

As autoridades locais há muito desejam atrair nudistas para Vera. Em 2013, um grupo de devotos organizou o maior mergulho nu simultâneo do mundo, que viu 729 naturistas mergulharem na água. Ressalta-se que este é um resort voltado para naturistas. Não há ênfase no sexual. Diversão boa e saudável sem roupa.

8 Praia de New Smyrna, Flórida

Os surfistas provavelmente conhecem New Smyrna Beach, pois classificam regularmente a água local como um dos melhores locais para surf do mundo. O fato de algumas pessoas também chamarem Nova Esmirna de “A Capital Mundial da Mordida de Tubarão” não parece desanimá-las. Há muitas coisas para fazer em New Smyrna, mas se você quiser visitar outra praia, pode tentar Playalinda. Em espanhol, “playa” é praia e “linda” significa fofa, bonita ou linda.

A praia de Playalinda fica ao norte de New Smyrna. Esta praia tem uma secção para naturistas, sendo uma zona frequentada por famílias e casais e outra, a norte, frequentada por gays. Playalinda faz parte do Canaveral National Seashore e fica perto do Centro Espacial Kennedy. Se você está planejando visitar, observe que há poucas comodidades na praia.

Então, se você gosta de assistir ao lançamento de um foguete nu, este é o lugar para você.

7 Hollywood, Flórida

Ofuscada pelos vizinhos Fort Lauderdale e Miami, Hollywood tem muitas atrações. Não menos importante é a bela praia com seu longo calçadão.

Se você está procurando um lugar para ficar em Hollywood, você pode querer considerar o Rooftop Resort. Se Eros estivesse procurando um hotel, este seria o que ele escolheria. Você sabe exatamente o que esperar ao ver o slogan: “Dance Naked! – Festa Nua! – Nade nu!

Você escolhe se deseja ou não usar roupas durante a sua visita. O hotel oferece excelentes vistas para o mar – se você tiver tempo para apreciá-las.

6 Negril, Jamaica

Negril tem uma população pequena, mas ocupa uma grande área na costa oeste da ilha. Em geral, o povo de Negril deixa que as atrações da bela ilha falem por si – as praias maravilhosas, os esportes aquáticos e o calor o ano todo atraem muitos turistas sem a necessidade de pregar aos convertidos.

Esta reticência não se aplica ao Hedonismo II. Este resort grita e grita muito alto. Definitivamente não é um lugar para introvertidos porque o Hedonismo II trata da indulgência. E a indulgência sexual faz parte do pacote. 

Clothing is optional around the enclosed premises. There is the Kama Sutra Palace, where you can take workshops and classes, and the Romping Shop Playroom—a place for couples, single women, and screened single men.

There’s something of a paradox behind Hedonism II. It was originally built by the government of Jamaica (although it is now in private hands), but public nudity is illegal in Jamaica. One can only assume that the authorities haven’t seen Hedonism’s publicity material.

5 Lochailort, Scotland

The hamlet of Lochailort is set in the stunning scenery of the Scottish Highlands. A great place to chill out and walk the hills. Although you can never be sure of the weather in this area, it is a dramatically beautiful part of the world.

Lochailort has few amenities, but it does boast the West Highland Retreat Naturist Resort. The center organizes nude hiking, fishing, boat trips, and much more. This is a family resort that caters to those brave souls who want to spend their time naked in Scotland.

But the resort didn’t start out as a naturist center. Originally, a children’s charity converted the spacious property to serve as a retreat for disadvantaged families that had children with a variety of needs. Many of the kids had (and have) a short life expectancy. This resort offered rest to families under the stressors of raising their children.

But there were times of the year when the place was empty. The owners, Jan and John, were looking for something to fill the gaps, and then, in 2013, a member of British Naturism contacted them and asked if he could stay. Jan and John still run the center primarily for severely disadvantaged children. The naturist center works around the dates that are free and plows the profits back into the charity. So, if naturism is your thing, you can practice it here and help those in need.

4 Salinas, California

I’m not sure what Salinas’s favorite son, John Steinbeck, would have made of the Stay and Play bed and breakfast in his home city. If he were looking for a safe place where he could explore his fantasies and fetishes, then he had one on his doorstep.

Billing itself as”Your Dungeon Away From Home,” Stay and Play is geared toward those who enjoy bondage and dominance. All activities take place in a separate building, but the owners are always nearby to keep an eye on things and help you out. If you are new to BDSM, the owners are available to offer you all the guidance that you need.

It is a popular spot, so it is advisable to book well in advance.

If you have the energy, there are many great restaurants and attractions nearby. Although it’s probably best to change clothes before you venture out.

3 Mount Poconos, Pennsylvania

The small town of Mount Poconos enjoys a beautiful location. A nature lover’s paradise, it attracts visitors who want outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and camping. But for romantic couples who are concentrating more on indoor activities, it is also the home of the Paradise Stream Resort.

This is a large complex with 143 suites, 2 restaurants, 2 bars, and a nightclub. The owners bill the resort as a”honeymoon hotspot,” where you are”entering the land of love.”

Heart-shaped tubs, romantically decorated rooms, and a full program of entertainment keep even the most jaded lovers engaged.

Definitely a place for newlyweds or those looking to add an extra spark.

There are two other resorts nearby that belong to the same company.

2 Cottbus, Germany

Cottbus is a small city in Brandenburg, Germany. It has its attractions but is probably not on most people’s bucket list of must-see locations. But there is a place nearby that attracts couples from all over the world.

The Schloss Milkersdorf is a renovated castle surrounded by mysterious, foggy woods. Every Friday and Saturday evening, it opens its doors to visitors who enter an erotic fairyland. Everything is possible here—you and your partner decide on your own limits. Theme nights such as a Roman orgy or erotic castle night set the tone and encourage even the most reticent to join in the fun.

Schloss Milkersdorf limits the number of guests, so it is always best to book ahead. It is not a hotel; it is a club. As you can’t stay overnight, the management has made arrangements with nearby hotels.

To protect the identity of its guests, you are not allowed to enter with mobile devices or cameras—these must be checked in at the cloakroom…along with any inhibitions.

1 Dodgeville, Wisconsin

So far, we have spent our time looking at resorts that cater to those with more daring human appetites. All well and good, but sometimes we want to enjoy our experiences in the privacy of our rooms. This is where the Don Q Inn comes into the picture.

You won’t find naked pool parties or strip anything here, but you can enjoy living out a few fantasies in their many themed rooms. Just know that it’s BROK! Bring your own kink. So remember to pack your toys and leave your inhibitions behind.

The inn—while definitely not as luxurious as dome others on this list—offers a variety of spaces, including two Roman-themed dens of debauchery, a Geisha-themed room, and what they call their “Mid-Evil” room, equipped with shackles on the bed. Maybe you wonder what’s it like to “sleep” in a hot air balloon or experience your own Arabian night. From rooms themed liked a prehistoric cave to a moon landing capsule, you’re sure to find something to share with your partner.

Oh, and they even have a Boeing C-97 on the property. While it’s not available for overnight stays (so no indulging in that mile-high fantasy), it is open for tours.

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